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Global Peace Pole Project

Our nonprofit customer, "May Peace Prevail on Earth", announced the first annual Global Peace Pole Day to be held on November 22, 2020, and the team at Bay Park Data Solutions has built them an interactive web application to be launched on the same day.


If you miss the celebration on the 22nd, you can watch the recorded celebrations online anytime, and you can add a Peace Pole whenever is convenient for you.

What is a Peace Pole?

A Peace Pole is an internationally-recognized symbol of the hopes and dreams of the entire human family, standing vigil in silent prayer for peace on earth. Each Peace Pole bears the message May Peace Prevail on Earth in different languages on each of its four or six sides. There are estimated over 250,000 Peace Poles in every country in the world dedicated as monuments to peace.

To view the interactive map follow this link or click on the image below:

By filling in a simple survey under "Add a Peace Pole" you can add information and photos of physical Peace Poles you know about OR YOU CAN PLANT YOUR VERY OWN VIRTUAL PEACE POLE anywhere you wish on Earth on the Virtual Map. Plant your affirmations, intentions, message and prayers for peace to prevail on earth.

This application is completely open to the Public!

Click here to visit the map and add your Peace Pole today!



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